Burial(2013) A three hour sculptural performance with a central figure standing still in a 16 foot slab of floating dirt. The work was in response to a video projection of community performance realized in Chiapas Mexico in collaboration with the community of Elambo Bajo, an autonomous indigenous community pertaining to La Otra Campaña. The work addresses issues of land rights, land extraction, indigenous autonomy, and the body in relationship to the earth. The work becomes a sight specific iteration for a museum audience intentionally separating the central figure from the touch of a museum public.
Arturo Villanueva
Arturo Villanueva facing projection of community performances in Chiapas Mexico.
Tattoo artist Arturo Villanueva
Painter Ramiro Martinez
Caleb Duarte
Burial festivities at Elambo Bajo Zinacantan Chiapas Mexico, Con La Otra Campaña.
Ramiro Martinez, Todd Brown, Arturo Villanueva.